I have a friend, Deb, who once worked as a librarian. She also writes stories for children. Deb is passionate about books, and words, and teaching. We go to writing events together, and once a month we meet with Patty and Lou as a book group, as we have for more than ten years. When you first meet Deb you see a bright, quiet woman who listens well and speaks little. You might think, shy.
But her passion for writing is so strong that she has formed a number of writing groups on her own, and has joined a few more. I think there were five at last count, but it's hard to keep straight. She's the one who researches agents and websites and conferences and shares that information with the members of her groups.
She's also very organized. In her current job as school secretary, that's an important skill to have. While I haven't seen them with my own eyes, Deb talks about the many notebooks in her workspace at home, all organized by topic: characters, settings, books-in-progress.
I wanted you to know Deb a bit before I shared her latest brainstorm of amazing organization.
She has a new blog on which she shares writing blogs and websites that she thinks might be helpful. Started as a way to keep her own resources organized, in typical Deb fashion, she's sharing her work with the rest of us. While her primary focus is children's literature, many of her highlighted sites are more global. I hope you'll visit Writer Sites often. Be sure to say hi when you're there.
photo from Flickr
So cool!
Thank you for the kind words! I hope people find the site helpful. I've had a great time putting it together (or maybe it's just an excuse to procrastinate!)
On my way...
A natural born teacher for sure. Heading over there.
Okay, LOL! I thought this post was about you at first. :-) She sounds like a really interesting lady!
I will check it out, although her organization scares me a little too much.
Thanks for the link. she sounds wonderful :)
THANK you. That is great!
I will go visit!
oh I wish I were more organized....*sigh*
Wow. What a great friend to have! Thank you for sharing her!
She sounds great! And as lucky as it seems you are to have her, I'd think she's as lucky to have you. :)
I'll go visit now. Thanks for the link!
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